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autodesk maya, vfx, tips and tricks, rendering, compositing, 3D, 2D
WANASTOWI VJECY – Lady Karneval (Music Video)
Some time have passed and I can bring to your attention more images/information about the project I was working on in Studio727. It is a music video for Czech rock legend, band called Wanastowi Vjecy. There were five 3D artists working on the project on permanent basis for 10 months. We were not dedicated only to this project but doing it alongside of other commercial projects.
Backstage info:
Software: Autodesk Maya, Pixar’s RenderMan, Autodesk Flame, Flint, Lustre, Adobe Photoshop
Resolution: HD (1280×720)
ColorDepth: 16-bit
Shoots: 96
Frames: 5850
RenderFarm: 16 x QuadCore (3GHz)
Max. passes per frame: 10
Average render-time per pass: 1-10 minutes
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